When It Comes to Guys, What’s Normal?
$15.35 inc. VAT
How much do you earn?
Do you wipe your sweat off the machines at the gym?
Consider yourself a fix-it man at home?
Have you done “it” at work?
Ever cheat on your taxes?
Do you wax or pluck your eyebrows?
Have you ever snooped in someone’s medicine cabinet?
When it comes to men, just what exactly is normal? How do you-or the man you love-behave compared to other guys? The fact is, men are both entirely predictable and utterly surprising. WHEN IT COMES TO GUYS, WHAT’S NORMAL? takes a look at who they really are, how they behave in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, office, driver’s seat and wherever they happen to be on the planet.
SKU: 9780312348168
Categories: Psychology & Philosophy, Young Adult
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