Ramy Gafni, Janet Carlson-Freed (Foreword), Town &. Country Magazine (Foreword)
Ramy Gafni’s: Beauty Therapy
$35.15 inc. VAT
When someone is being treated for cancer, his or her self-image can be shattered. Suddenly, not only are you fighting for your life, a stranger is staring back at you from the mirror. Your hair is gone, your nails are brittle, your complexion is pasty – everything changes. These changes attack your self-image and the very core of your physical and emotional identity. Many cancer patients continue working, going to school, and caring for their families while undergoing chemotherapy or radiation. Yet the side effects of these treatments often make patients feel too embarrassed or self-conscious to function at full potential.
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SKU: 9781590770665
Category: Health
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